Photos and videos documenting the Round Rock Church of Christ near Austin, TX where we designed a system that could meet the clients’ needs from a Audio Video perspective as well as networking and communication. Video links are near the bottom.
One of the main goals the Pastor had on his radar was to be able to have a better video experience for they’re parishioners, and control both projectors from the front of the church. Additionally, at the same time, face the audience and also see what was being portrayed on the video screens behind him. No, unfortunately we didn’t have any mirrors that he could use! In the end, we designed a custom system that wirelessly communicated with a PC in the back of the church, and a small monitor at the front so that the pastor could view and control the system too.
Each projector was 3500 lumen count to make sure that the picture quality was top notch. We also sourced a couple of elegant, fixed projector screens from our local wholesalers, and offered a very affordable deal for the two. We also supplied all professional custom equipment and wiring for this system, including 2 Professional Optoma Projectors, projector mounts, screens, monitor, comm. wiring, matching conduit, and more. All in all, the project turned out very well, and the Church is thrilled to have a system that is easy to control and works seamlessly together while taking advantage of the best communication system.
Project Videos
RR Church During Installation Video 1.0